Guardian Home Application

Before filling this out, please make sure you have already read the page of basic information about Guardian Homes. You can find that here.

You will find that this application is the same as the Puppy Questionnaire.  If you filled that out previously, you do NOT have to fill this out a second time!  Just let me know (through email) that I have your puppy questionnaire and you’d like to be considered as a Guardian Home.  If this is your first time filling out this form, please note at the end that you want to be considered as a guardian home.

I expect to have only 1 dog (or less) per year that need a Guardian Home and they will almost always be male. If you’re interested, definitely send this application through and I’ll let you know through email that I received it.  I’ll give you an idea at that time when I expect I might have a pup. Nearer that time, we’ll have a long conversation on the phone all about the program etc.   Looking forward to speaking with you!